Warhammer League-AoS-40k

Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar League!
Play whichever you want to play.
All points won regardless of the game played counts for your overall standings in the League.
$5 entry fee if only playing for that day.
$15 to play for the entire month.
We also ask that you limit League games to 3 games a week (can be full games or games of Killteam/Spearhead) to make it a little more fair for people who can't jam out 6 games in the week but also want to participate.
Days and Times:
Friday start time: 1:30pm
Saturday start time: 1:30pm
Sunday start time: 1:30pm
1 win=3pts
1 loss=2pt
Tie=1pt each player.
Prizing is as follows:
1st place= 1 model at cost
2nd place= 1 model at cost +$5 on top of the at cost price
3rd place= $20 store credit OR a 20% off a GW purchase coupon.
4th place= $10 store credit OR a 10% off a GW purchase coupon.
Points will be kept on the whiteboard.
Keep in mind for Sunday play we do close at around 6pm and we only have 4 tables available for play, which is why the League days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday to give you all a chance to schedule around not only your personal schedules, but table availability as well.
Please use the Discord channel to communicate with one another on figuring out your days and times.